Paradoxically, I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm in a good place, and I have the utility to do whatever I want. I'm intelligent, reasonably attractive, funny when I want to be, sassy as hell, comfortable with who I am. And I'm young. Maybe I'd rather be lost. Maybe I enjoy not knowing. We all do. I tell myself I do. But do I?
Problem is this independence is crippling. For the first time I'm actually on my own, and alone is unsettling. I want to be reckless, but I want to be safe at the same time. I suppose this is all part of "growing up", but fuck is it hard. A crutch is a short term solution, one that sounds insanely attractive, but a man shouldn't and can't solve my problems.............right?
The other day I was trying to think of when I'm happiest. The best I could come up with is when I'm surrounded by people whose company I truly enjoy, when I can be myself and speak my mind and not feel insecure or stupid for thinking the things that I do. Those are the brief moments when I feel complete and uninhibited euphoria, but how to contain them and stretch them out is life's greatest, and most beleaguering task. I don't need to be happy right now (I suppose it's good for artistic expression?), but what else is there to life besides achieving your nirvana? Will someone just tell me if this pit in my stomach is what they call "drive"...or if it's depression? Reveal the punchline to me already. I don't want to figure it out for myself. What's the reward for toiling until the end? What's the payoff? I don't want everything to just be a means to the end, but tell me if it is.
I want to feel exhilarated, to turn all of this into motivation, but hey, easier said than done.
I want to feel exhilarated, to turn all of this into motivation, but hey, easier said than done.